When it all started

Hi to every one who reads this blog or simply this blog post. It is been a week since I’ve been posting a blog and at the moment I’m sitting on the bus on my way to meet up with my girlfriend and her sister at here sister’s place to hangout. This week at school has been a great week. Specially the lecturing we had with guest lecture Leonard Flores about 3th generation electronic literature. It was outstanding and indeed interesting to learn about .

In today’s blog post I would like to share my story of how my first experience with the computer world was like. The year was 2000, I remember the excitement when me and my older brothers where gathered around the personal computer running the latest windows operating System “Windows 98”. Back then 4 year old me remember installing computer games and it wasn’t that hard when the only thing to do was pushing “next”, “next” “agreement of terms” “install” and “launch”. It was 4 simple steps anyone with curiosity or basic English knowledge could achieve.  The awards that was waiting me for following thoose steps was to play a motor-cross game and Midtown Madness 2, a racing game where you drove around the city and had races. I rembeber jumping over a moveable bridge that looked like Madison Street Bridge, the bridge over the Chicago River In Chicago, IL. I had a blast back then, and could spent hours playing that game If I were allowed. One other video game i played when i was 4 years old was Minesweeper. I didn’t understand much what i was doing or the objective of the game. I remember playing the game and got frustrated when i lost and just stopped playing. I got angry and continued playing my favorite back then Midtown Madness 2


giphy windows 98 game.gif

This GIF is showing gameplay of Minesweeper on Windows NT. I got angry every time I lost in that game

This was my first experience I can remember from my time spending on the computer and the beginning of my interest in video games. It was the start of many more interactions with the computer.

In the end, I will poste som #DDA we did last class, I realy enjoy makeing this #DDA

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